The date sheet for Class 9 Exams 2025 has been released on the official website, and exams will begin on March 25, 2025. The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) has issued a circular regarding matric examinations. Students can check their date sheets on the official websites of the BISE Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, DG Khan, Rawalpindi, and other boards. The paper pattern has been revised with new pairing scheme so should revise 9th class new study material.

By downloading the official date sheet, students will have access to detailed information regarding class 9 exams.

Class 9 Date Sheet 2025 for All Punjab Board

The Matric part 1 Date Sheet is provided below. Students can find the matric exam dates below.

DateDaySubject Morning Shift (Paper Starts 9:00 A.M To 11:30 A.M)Subject Evening Shift (Paper Starts 2:00 P.M To 4:30 P.M)
25-03-2025TuesdayEnglish (Compulsory)
26-03-2025Wednesday1. Elements of Home Economics
2. Electrical Wiring
1. Household Accounts and Its related problems
2. Dress Making & Fashion Designing
27-03-2025Thursday1. Biology
2. Computer Science
28-03-2025Friday1. Tarjuma Tul Quran ul Majeed (Compulsory)
2. Akhlaqiat/Athetics
Tarjuma Tul Quran ul Majeed (Compulsory)
04-04-2025FridayEconomics1. Physiology
2. Clothing & Texitile
07-04-2025Monday1. Chemistry
2. General Science
1. Chemistry
2. General Science
08-04-2025TuesdayPakistan Studies (CompulsoryPakistan Studies (Compulsory
Wood Work
Geometrical & Technical Drawing
Health & Physical Education
10-04-2025ThursdayUrdu (Compulsory)Urdu (Compulsory)
Geography of Pakistan
11-04-2025FridayIslamiat (Compulsory)Islamiyat (Compulsory)
14-04-2025Monday1. Mathematics
2. General Mathematics (Arts Group)
1. Mathematics
2. General Mathematics (Arts Group)
Urdu Literature
English Literature
Food & Nutrition
Art & Modle Drawing
16-04-2025WednesdayEducationHistory of Pakistan
History of Islam
Advanced Islamic Studies
Advanced Islamic Studies
Management for Better Homes


9th Class Date Sheet 2025
9th Class Date Sheet 2025

The class 9 exam schedule was released by the PBCC or the respective Punjab Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE). The date sheet is essential for academic success, as it helps students plan their studies and manage their time effectively.

Lahore Board

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education BISE Lahore is an old educational board in Punjab. BISE Lahore conducts Secondary and Higher Secondary exams affiliated with the Lahore board.

Lahore Board announced the 9th class date sheet in January 2025, and the exam will held at the end of March. Students can download the date sheet from the official website of Bise Lahore (

Multan Board

The Class 9 date sheet was announced by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Multan, and the exam will start in March 2025. Students can visit the official website of the Multan Board ( The exam will be conducted in the morning and the evening.

Faisalabad Board

Faisalabad Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has announced the class 9 exam schedule for the matric classes. Check your date sheet from the BISE Faisalabad. The date sheet includes all the subjects (compulsory and elective). So must check the date sheet and start your preparation from today.

Rawalpindi Board

BISE Rawalpindi’s 9th class date sheet was announced, and the exam will start in March 2025. The RWP board conducts matric and intermediate exams for affiliated schools and colleges. You can download the date sheet from BISE Rawalpindi’s official website (

DG Khan Board

DG Khan Board has not announced their date sheet for class 9. But PBCC already announced the exam schedule. The exam will be conducted according to BISE or PBCC dates. Students prepare for their exams, and BISE DG may announce the schedule before February. So always visit the official website.

Gujranwala Board

Gujranwala Board ( announced the class 9 date sheet for the academic year 2025. The board also announced the roll no slip dates that may be uploaded before March 2025 on the official website. The date sheet for Gujranwala will be the same as that for other boards. So, you must make a study plan and prepare to get good marks.

Instructions for students

  1. Reporting Time: You must reach the exam center 30 minutes before starting the exam.
  2. Admit Card: Bring your original Roll No slip to the exam center.
  3. Allowed: Pen, marker, calculator, and log table are permitted in the exam center.
  4. Not allowed: Smartwatches or any mechanical tool are prohibited in the exam center.
  5. Suspension: Any unfair practices during an exam will result in the student’s suspension.

How can I prepare for Class 9 Examination?

To perform top performance in the matric exam, you need a solid understanding of all the fundamentals studied in class. In order to do well on the exam, you must:

  1. The focus should be on both theoretical and practical learning.
  2. Make a learning schedule.
  3. Make a study schedule and stick to it.
  4. All formulas and definitions need to be revised.
  5. Solve past papers and guess papers.

Any class’s date Sheet would boost your success in your exam. Students should use it wisely to improve their preparation, reduce stress, and perform well in board exams. Remember to make a study plan and maintain that schedule till exams.