We are providing 9th Class unique Islamiat handwritten notes with complete solutions in PDF format. This Islamiat Lazmi key book includes chapter-wise topics and answers to all exercise questions. Islamiat elective solutions are prepared by subject experts in easy terms by following the board’s syllabus. These notes can be accessed online or downloaded as a PDF.

Islamiat is a compulsory subject for matric class students and also gain their knowledge about Islam. We have provided the important key points of the Islamiat textbook with short answers. These notes include all textbook chapters and some extra materials like Hadees Pak with explanations, solved exercises and also included some past papers that help the students to understand pattern.

9th Class Islamiyat Syllabus

Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board changed most of the class 9 books but Islamiat has no changes. So you should follow the previous year’s syllabus. The Islamiat contains 7 chapters including the first four Mauzuati Mutalia.

Islamiat Lazmi’s book contains 10 Hadees necessary for board exams. So prepare these from our notes because at parho.pk we have given translation with their explanations.

The given Islamiyat solutions follow all Punjab boards so it does not matter what your board is if you belong to Punjab then prepare with our provided solutions for better marks in the exam.

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